Paper/Panel Submission

    Upload your
    • single paper or abstract as a pdf file (named yourlastname_paper.pdf)
    • panel suggestion as a single pdf file (named yourlastname_panel.pdf) that contains: a) Names, affiliations, and Emails of the panel organizer and presenters; b) panel title; c) a short description of the panel topic (max. 100 word); d) the full list of (3-5) papers to be presented (presenter, co-authors, title of the paper)

    Submit paper/panel (PDF).

    Please note:
    • Upon acceptance of the paper/panel (decisions will be taken by June 11, 2022), presenters are expected to register for the conference, pay the membership/conference fees and present the paper (or chair the panel) at the conference.
    • Each individual is restricted to submit one single paper and one panel. Any presenter who is part of an organized panel might submit one additional single paper.